This service ensures that your clients’ brands are safe from counterfeiting, unauthorised sellers, and other forms of brand infringement on Amazon.
What It Includes:
- Brand Registry Enrolment: Helping brands enrol in Amazon’s Brand Registry, which provides greater control over product listings and intellectual property protection.
- Monitoring Unauthorised Sellers: Keeping an eye on who is selling your client’s products to ensure they aren’t being sold by unauthorised third-party sellers.
- Intellectual Property (IP) Protection: Taking action against counterfeit products or sellers infringing on your brand’s trademarks.
- Brand Health Monitoring: Regularly checking for negative customer feedback or complaints that may harm the brand's reputation.
Why It's Important:
Brand protection is essential to maintain your brand's integrity and avoid legal complications. Unauthorised sellers and counterfeit products can erode customer trust and damage a brand’s reputation.
Key Benefits:
- Intellectual Property Protection: Safeguard against counterfeit products and unauthorised sellers using your brand’s name or logo.
- Improved Brand Control: Gain greater control over how your brand is represented on Amazon, ensuring that only authorised listings are active.
- Enhanced Customer Trust: Prevent counterfeit products from entering the market and harming your brand’s reputation.